Frequently asked questions


Do you handle design & photo editing?

Yes! Infographics, A+, store pages, sponsored brand videos, UGC, you name it. Our team of skilled designers and photo editors work meticulously to ensure your product images and branding materials are visually appealing and professional, helping you attract and retain customers. Whether you need high-quality images for your Amazon listings or custom graphics for your marketing campaigns, we've got you covered.


What does "Full-Service" mean?

Our team handles everything related to your Amazon account except product development and the actual "creation" of
Amazon FBA shipments. 


What makes a brand the right fit for CoreTrex?

At CoreTrex, we believe in creating synergistic relationships with brands that share our values and vision. A brand is the right fit for our agency if it meets the following criteria:

Growth-Oriented Mindset: We excel in partnering with brands that are actively seeking growth and expansion. If your brand is poised for scaling up and looking for strategic marketing to reach new heights, we’re on the same page.

Commitment to Quality: Brands that prioritize high-quality products or services resonate with us. Our expertise is best utilized when working with companies dedicated to delivering exceptional value to their customers.

Openness to Collaboration: Our most successful partnerships are with brands that value open communication and collaboration. We believe in working closely with our clients to ensure that our marketing strategies are perfectly aligned with their business goals.

Innovative Spirit: We thrive on innovation and creativity. Brands that are open to exploring new, cutting-edge marketing techniques will find a great partner in CoreTrex.

Understanding of Investment: Effective marketing is an investment. Brands that understand and are prepared to invest in long-term marketing strategies will see the most significant benefits from our services.If your brand aligns with these principles, we are excited about the potential of working together. Our goal is to help brands like yours manage and grow your Amazon presence, driving towards significant revenue milestones.


Do you service my direct competitors?

We prioritize brand confidentiality and avoid servicing direct competitors simultaneously. This practice ensures that there is no conflict of interest and that each brand receives personalized attention and strategies tailored to their specific needs.